About Ressel

Ressel Rederi is an independent shipping company and is wholly owned by Ressel Invest AB. Since 2000, the company has been engaged in shipping on an increasing scale. Operations with contracted traffic as well as commercial traffic operating in the Stockholm area and in Kalmarsund.


The company’s clients are the City of Stockholm, Waxholmsbolaget and Färjestadens Företagsgrupp. In addition, there are several cooperation agreements with operators in Stockholm and Kalmarsund.

Our Environmental Work

Ressel Rederi’s goal with all its services is to transport passengers and goods in an environmentally safe manner in port and archipelago traffic. We are convinced that serious environmental work pays off, for the environment, the passengers, the on-board employees and the shipping company, in other words a long-term and sustainable awareness of the environment in which we operate.

ISO 14001

Since April 2015, the company has been environmentally certified according to ISO 14001. We care about maritime safety, the environment.


Trafikinformation / Traffic information

Trafikerar enligt tidtabell/Traffic according to time table



Trafikinformation / Traffic information

Trafikerar enligt tidtabell/Traffic according to time table.